How To Deal with Wet Leather Shoes

Duh, DRY IT, you say? We know, because we're all about it today. The key lies in the HOW.

How To Dry Wet Leather Shoes How To Deal With Wet Leather Shoes

“Duh, DRY IT,” you say? We know, because we’re all about how to dry your leather shoes yourself today. It’s DIY-chic, and we’re actually extending the lifespan of your favourite fancy shoes so we’d love some buckets of Baskin Robbins as a token of appreciation if you don’t mind.

The key point of this post lies in the “how“.

You may already known that our leather shoes need moisturising from time to time. But it doesn’t mean they are in good term with any moisturising element – especially WATER. The mild-natured liquid can become destructive when it becomes excessive – think tsunami, overflow toilet tank and rain. The mentioned examples can wet your leather shoes real bad, and if your shoes are not dried properly, in long-term it yields water damage, and subsequently unfixable cracks like this.

Here’s the magic potion: Old Newspaper!

That might not sound magical at all. But here’s 5 magical steps of what to do next:

  1. Trivially, dry the outer of your shoes with dry towel
  2. Stuff dry newspaper into your shoes. Let the papers absorb the moist from within the shoes.
  3. Change the newspaper regularly until the shoes appear dry. (This may take 1 day or a few days, depending on how wet your shoes are.)
  4. Let the shoes dry slowly, and completely at room temperature (This can take 1 week)
  5. Clean, condition and polish your shoes again.

Newspaper In Leather Shoes Dry How To Deal With Wet Leather Shoes

What you REALLY shouldn’t MUST NOT do:

  1. Dry your leather shoes with hair dryer, or any heat source
  2. Dry your leather shoes under the sun
  3. Ignore your wet leather shoes and just let it be let it go. (Elsa, HIT IT!)

While you’re at it, you might want to put on your double-breasted, play the song below and dance along. After all, all the world’s a stage according to Shakespeare, and one week of waiting for your shoes to dry is actually quite long:

If you think drying your leather shoes is not your thing, consider going extra mile by wearing SWIMS overshoes or galoshes:

Swims Overshoes Galoshes How To Deal With Wet Leather Shoes

We call it “condom for shoes“. Talk about #shoeporn fellas.

Images from StyleForum, SWIMS,