Style Inspiration: Elbow Patches

I love the idea of elbow patches and it's sort of like the little effort that you can do to bring personality to your clothes.

Tan Elbow Patches Style Inspiration: Elbow Patches

Tan Elbow Patches

When I first discovered elbow patches, I don’t really like them – they seem a little out of place and I thought they’d ruin the perfectly tailored blazers. Over the time I’ve accepted the idea and now I think they are amazing. It’s sort of like the little effort that you can do to bring personality to your clothes. When you’re tired of your old coats / blazers, you can try adding elbow patches to being new life into them. I’m planning to do this to my blazer as well. Definitely going to show you the result once it’s done. 🙂

While Elbow Patches Style Inspiration: Elbow Patches

White Elbow Patches on Navy


Long Elbow Patches Style Inspiration: Elbow Patches

Longer Elbow Patches


Leather Wider Elbow Patches Style Inspiration: Elbow Patches

Leather & Long Elbow Patches


Leather Patches Blazer Men Style Inspiration: Elbow Patches

Brown Patches on Dark Suit


Gray Elbow Patches Only Dark Gray Blazer Style Inspiration: Elbow Patches

Grey Elbow Patches


Floral Elbow Patches Style Inspiration: Elbow Patches

Floral Elbow Patches


Elbow Patches Blazer Flannel Style Inspiration: Elbow Patches

Tanned Leather Elbow Patches


Elbow Patch On Stripe Style Inspiration: Elbow Patches

Elbow Patches on Stripes


Elbow Patch Double Breast Style Inspiration: Elbow Patches

Elbow Patches on Double-Breast


Elbow Patch On Tweed Blazer Style Inspiration: Elbow Patches

Light Tan Elbow Patches on Tweed Blazer


Checker Elbow Patches Style Inspiration: Elbow Patches

Checker Elbow Patches


Brown Elbow Patches Yesstyle Style Inspiration: Elbow Patches

Brown Elbow Patches on Grey Suit


Blue Patches Blazer Style Inspiration: Elbow Patches

Blue Elbow Patches


Blazer White Elbow Patch Men Style Inspiration: Elbow Patches

Black Blazer with White Elbow Patch


Black Elbow Patches Men Style Inspiration: Elbow Patches

Black Elbow Patches